Friday, June 8, 2007

Get paid for posting blog ads on your blog

With payperpost Direct you can reach out to advertisers that are not in the ppp network. And advertise your own blog and content. In the past it was known that you had to be a good content blogger or writer to write about products and services to be directly hired. And now with payperpost Direct that is possible. If you are interested in making money for blog posts then simply click on the ppp image at the right of the page for details.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Making Money by Freelancing!!!!

Freelancing is great for offering your services on your website or blog for someone else on the same project basis. There are a ton of webmasters and Internet marketers that are in need of good content writting. As a online freelancer offering your services for a fee, at the same time you could take in some projects they will give you. You will be paid for every project that you complete. Then you can start taking in more clients on more of an everyday basis depending on the area of proficienncy that you posses.

1. web creation and design
2. graphic design and creation
3. article writting
4. data encoding
5. marketing consultancy
6. Admin and Accounting
7. Software and development

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Making Money by generating links

My latest online money making venture is submitting my link to:

1. Register with search directories

2. ask you friends and family about adding links

3 contact companies that you do business with.

4. ask to be a featured client

5.submit to announcementb sites and newsletters( ).

6 promote your site by advetising

Friday, June 1, 2007

Bloggers!!!!Paid - Inclusion Thought you would want to Know

Paid - Inclusion programs such as (altavista's Express Inclusion) provides you with the privelege's of paying submission to to have a search engine such as (yahoo, google and etc.) to index your pages or websites. You pay the search engine fee usuallay around $50. a year or whatever per url. With these search engines usually takes around 48-72 hours to reindex your pages.
Most people don't like the fact for Paid-Inclusion because they feel it is a bit of a scam. The Federal Trade Commission feels the same way because they feel it misleads the consumers by ads. If you are deciding whether to use paid-Inclusion you have to factor in the following points

1. Teoma/AsK Jeeves, AltaVista,Inktomi, and Fast/ All the web all have paid inclusion programs

2. submit single url ( paid inclusion programs the cost is around 180.00).

3. you may get stuck paying the search engines their paid inclusion fees year after year.

4 If you have good linking strategy you can get indexed without having to pay.

5. Don't have good linking strategy your pages won't rank anyway. Paid Inclusion gets you index
but doesn't affect your position in the index so you'll be paying to be on a page that a few people will read.

Monday, May 28, 2007

My newest online money making venture

My newest online money making venture is with this is another affiliate program. You receive 10% of the revenue. Wouldn't you like to earn money when you are at work,school or taking the kids to school or even soccer practice. If you are interested click here on the is totally legitment affiliate program and the best thing of all it is FREE. There are no affiliate fees or even hosting fees. These are my types of programs. You also can get paid through paypal. There is no fee to signup with either.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Making Money online with HostGator

Do you really want to make money? You can make a reaccuring income with HostGator as an affiliate. First, you have to signup with .Then you start receiving a reaccuring income on a monthly basis with Host Gator. You can monitor your daily stats with HostGator and also your monthly earnings. You can also see your refferals by loging into your account. If you are interested please click on HostGator.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Google Adsense

I'm no expert on making money on the internet. But there is alot of money to be made on the internet just by clicking ads. I just signed up for another online money making venture with Google Adsense. You get paid when people click on your google ads. I'm still learning on this venture though. I will commentate on my progress as I progress with Google Adsense. I hope I can make some good money with this program as time goes on. This is another way how you can also bring traffic to your site as well as making money at the same time. Please let me know how I can make more money with Google Adsense? I know a well known online person that makes very good money with google adsense as well as making with selling links as well.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Money on the Internet

You can make money on the internet through different kinds of ways. First and for most that a popular.way is from a blog. Then the endless way (oppurnunity) right now is through blogg posting through the internet.

1 taking surveys

2.mystery shopping

3 freelance

4 advertising

5 marketing.

with freelance jobs you can set your price and they will then notify you by you email

Trading Tips

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Bloggers- Link Building

I'm no expert on making money online it just happens to us. For me I'm just starting out and I came across another online money making venture which is a pretty good one at that. This ventures is Link Building .

Building Links is one important factor in getting to the top on major search engines such as yahoo, google, msn, and etc. You want to be in the top 20 pages with in these search engines. What is link Building For? That's what we all ask ourselves it is for

1. Increasing your traffic to your site.

2. Improving your visibility in major search engines

3. rersources to your website or blog.

4.saving money (ADVERTISING)

5 Lastly we save on time.

Trading Tips

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Popular online money making ventures (Surveys)

One of the Most popular online money making ventures is doing online surveys. There is Electronic surveys, there are department store surveys, There is even fast food surveys. There are hundreds of companies that will send you surveys to answer for cash. Some of the most popular survey companies are Greenfield, Livewire, Mindfield, Pinecone, survey spot, Ipssos I say, Panda Research and etc. I beleive that surveys is great way to earn a second income.Most surveys companies do have a minium payout before you receive your check.
Trading Tips

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Hey, do you like clicking Ads for Money

You like Clicking Ads for Money? That's what I also do for an Online Money Making adventure.It is free to signup and you get monthly checks for clicking ads with . If you would like to find out more about it go to Sites of interest and click on right above trading tips.

Hey you all online money makers

Hey I just startted this new Online Money Making venture about two weeks agao. I signed up for a dollarshop. You pay $ 1.95 to get the My dollarshop quickstart guide that you order and shows yyou step by step on how to run your online dollarshop. You have all kinds of dollar items and you pay for a shipping and handling fee of $3.95 no matter if it is 1-20 things that you are going to buy. This considered a affiliate program so you do have to pay a monthly fee of $39.95 for it.
They do give you a 14 day trial period to, so if it is something that you would like to do. I canceled my membership with my dollarshop just recently because I feel It was not worth $39.95 a/ month because I wasn't having people go to my site. I REALLY cannot afford a fee of $39.95 a/month if I'm not going to make any money at this affiliate program. But, like I said before You have to spend money to make money. That is why I set up this mony making blog to let people know about money making ventures.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Just Located a Online Money Making Scam

Hey Money Makers,
Just located an online Money making scam. Bidz. com is an auction site from engagement rings to watches where they auction offf and people can bid on it. But my business assossiciates and I just found out they send out fake merchandise and will not refund your money back to you. I thought this would be a wonderful way for Money making Online. But I was wrong. Just wanted to let all you online Money Makers know about this site.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My most recent online money making venture - Expert Satellite and ProntoDishes Affiliate program

Howdy Partners,

This is your boy Stephen in De land, Florida about 10 minutes away from Daytona Beach. About 3 months ago I started something new as a online money making venture and I first thought I was going to be very skeptical about starting a new business. My first Sale I was very Happy and excited but also very nervous as well.

It does take money to make money though. First I had to pay for advertising in our local PennySaver. I also made signs promoting DirectTV's NFL Sunday Ticket. Then I have my affiliate fees and hosting fee for my website. Below is a detailed list of my monthly fees:

1. Advertising- $150.00
2. Affiliate- $ 25.00
3. Hosting- $ 90.00

For a grand total of $ 265.00 a month for my online business money making venture. Stephen's Satellite Company is growing the business as we speak. I refer prospected customers To Expert Satellite as well as Pronto Dish and set them up with the service they wish to have weather it be a business or a residence. So far in online business money making venture I've made a total of $300.00 for a loss of -$80.00 thus far.

Yeah, I know it is loss but i see there is so much potential so I'm sticking with my online money making venture.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

I came acrsoss a online money making venture online with and is tottallly a scam,scam!!!

Hello Money Makers

This is my first post in my money making blog that im going to be talking different money making ventures and scams who is legitiment?

A little about me I'm 28 years old with two children. I'm a resident of the Central Florida area I also have my own Satellite Buisness. I'm Also going to college online for my buisness degree, i'm in my second year.